Curry Mercury

RICE: An Optimizing Curry Compiler


graph combinators

bubbling vs backtrackng vs pulltabbing Making Bubbling Practical on the correctness of pulltabbing

verse that nutso spj epic games project

sudo apt install pakcs nice

Translation of prolog programs: Turn each predicate int bool value function a :- b becomes a | b = True

curry tutorial libraries for term rewriting in curry

echo "
-- ;re
1 + 1
2 <= 3
2 == 3
let square x = x * x
square 7
x =:= 7 where x free
a ++ b  =:= [1,2] where a,b free
" | pakcs

path a z = edge a b && path b z where b free

=:= constrained equality ciao functional notaion func is kind of wimpy

:- initialization(main,main).

fun(F,Res) :- functor(F,N), length(Ress,N), map2(call , Args, Ress), call(FSym, Ress).

_foo(X,Y,Z) :- call(X,A), call(Y,B), foo(A,B,Z).

_append(X,Y,Z) :- call(X,A), call(Y,B), append(A,B,Z).

nil(A) :- A = [].
cons(A,B,C) :- call(A,X), call(B,Xs), C = [X | Xs]. 
feq(X,Y) :- call(X,A), call(Y,A).

main(_) :- feq(X,  _append(nil,nil)).

:- initialization(main,main). main(_) :-